Estonia: China criticises MPs for Taiwan National Day celebration

The embassy of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in Estonia has sent a note to the Estonian parliament, the Riigikogu, criticising the participation of several MPs in an event celebrating Taiwan’s National Day, ERR reports. The note mentioned the MPs who attended the event by name, insisting that some of them used “incorrect expressions” suggesting Taiwanese sovereignty. The PRC embassy argued that Estonian MPs had an “obligation” to heed Estonia’s official commitment to the so-called One China policy. Meanwhile, Marko Mihkelson, chairman of the Riigikogu’s foreign affairs committee, stressed that democracies must stand together amid growing threats, noting that support for Taiwan was increasing in Estonia. He said that members of the committee would visit Taiwan soon. Mihkelson also met with PRC ambassador Guo Xiamei to discuss China’s support for Russia and the Taiwan issue.