Estonia: Record number of vehicles on roads in 2023: data

Traffic on roads in Estonia reached a new all-time record in 2023, according to data from the Estonian Transport Administration (Transpordiamet), ERR reports. The total volume of vehicle mileage amounted to 11.9bn km in 2023, which was up 2.4% from 11.6bn km in 2022. Passenger cars accounted for 72.3% of the total mileage, followed by trucks with 13.8%. Vehicle mileage on highways totalled 3.3bn km in 2023, which was 61,000 km more than a year earlier. The busiest highway was Tallinn-Tartu (832.8mn km), followed by Tallinn-Narva (604.8mn km) and Tallinn-Pärnu-Ikla (578.4mn km). Traffic on the Tallinn-Tartu highway rose by 18.4mn km and on the Tallinn ring road by 17.6mn km over a year. Meanwhile, traffic on the Tallinn-Paldiski highway totalled 96.8mn km, which was down from 97.6mn km in 2022.