Estonia: Reform reveals minister nominations to new government

The Estonian Reform Party will appoint MP Jürgen Ligi as the new finance minister in the incoming three-party coalition government, outgoing Finance Minister Mart Võrklaev announced, ERR reports. Ligi served as defence minister in 2005-2007 and finance minister in 2009-2014. He has also served as foreign minister and education minister. Moreover, Võrklaev said that Reform would appoint MP Yoko Alender as climate minister and MP Erkki Keldo as economy minister. Reform’s Hanno Pevkur will continue as defence minister, ERR reports. The new government will have a new post of infrastructure minister, which will be held by the Social Democratic Party (SDE), Education Minister Kristina Kallas, chair of Estonia 200, told ERR. SDE chairman Lauri Läänemets has offered the job to MP Priit Lomp. SDE will decide on its ministers on 21 July 2024.