Latvia: Average gross wage up 12% on year in Q2/2023: statistics

Latvia’s average gross monthly wage amounted to EUR 1,525 in the second quarter of 2023, which was up 12.0% from the same period of 2022, according to the Central Statistical Bureau’s working-day and seasonally non-adjusted data, LSM reports. Average wages rose by 12.2% in the public sector and by 11.9% in the private sector over a year. The average gross hourly wage rose by 13.8% to EUR 10.48 per hour. Compared to the first quarter of 2023, the average monthly wage increased by 4.3% and hourly wage by 14.1%. The average monthly net wage stood at EUR 1,114, which was up 11.7% over a year. The median gross wage for full-time work amounted to EUR 1,215, which was up 12.7% from EUR 1,078 in the second quarter of 2022. The median net wage amounted to EUR 888, which was up 11.0 % over a year.