Latvia: Pres. Rinkevics holds inauguration speech in parliament

Latvia’s new president, Edgars Rinkevics, held his inauguration speech in the Latvian parliament, the Saeima, outlining his vision of a “strong, modern, just, and safe” Latvia, on 8 July 2023, LSM reports. The President noted that Latvia was one, yet not homogenous, and stressed that the rights of every person must be protected. Latvia’s biggest…

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Lithuania: Parliament debates Constitutional Court petition on Istanbul Convention

The Lithuanian parliament, the Seimas, has begun discussing a proposal from the parliamentary speaker, Viktorija Cmilyte-Nielsen, to seek the Constitutional Court’s opinion on the compatibility of the Istanbul Convention with the country’s Constitution, BNS reports. The corresponding draft resolution passed the first reading in parliament. The final vote on the resolution will take place in…

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Lithuania: More than 5,000 people took part in Vilnius Pride march

More than 5,000 people took part in the Vilnius Pride march in the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius, on 1 July 2023, The Baltic Times reports. March participants deplored Lithuania’s slow progress in ensuring the rights of sexual minorities. Ajus Jurgaitis, co-founder of the Trans Autonomija association and one of the organisers of the march, expressed hope…

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Lithuania: Hundreds take part in Vilnius Pride march

Hundreds of people took part in the Vilnius Pride march in the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius, on 1 July 2023, LRT reported. The march was organised by the Trans Autonomija association and civil society initiative Demonstruokimes (Let’s Demonstrate). Families with children and foreign guests had come to express their support for the Lithuanian LGBT community. Participants…

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