Latvia: Bank association opposes proposed windfall tax on banks

Latvia’s banking association, Finance Latvia Association (FNA), opposes a proposed windfall tax on local banks, LETA reports. The association argued that the tax was “disproportionate, short-sighted, and nontransparent.” FNA warned that the tax would have negative long-term consequences, hampering Latvia’s growth, competitiveness, and attractiveness for private investment. The tax would oblige the financial sector to…

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Latvia: Number of new businesses exceeded liquidations in 2023

The number of new businesses registered in Latvia totalled 8,772 in 2023, according to data from enterprise database Lursoft, LETA reports. Meanwhile, the number of businesses liquidated amounted 7,844 in 2023, which was the lowest number since 2015. In the previous seven years, the number of liquidated enterprises exceeded the number of new businesses. Over…

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