Estonia: Russian citizens still allowed to vote in local elections

Estonian parties disagree on proposed amendments to suspend the voting rights of third-country nationals, including Russian citizens, ERR reports. The Estonian parliament, the Riigikogu, has approved the amendments in first reading with support from the ruling coalition’s Estonian Reform Party and Estonia 200 as well as the opposition’s Fatherland (Isamaa) and Conservative People’s Party of Estonia (EKRE). However, the third coalition partner, the Social Democratic Party (SDE), is opposed to the proposal, as is President Alar Karis. Moreover, the Chancellor of Justice, Ülle Madise, has criticised the plan as well. Helir-Valdor Seeder, chairman of Isamaa’s parliamentary group, said that the Riigikogu was therefore unlikely to approve the law before the local government elections in 2025. He said that Isamaa would push for the amendments to be passed before the local elections in 2029.