Estonia: National airline Nordica to stop operations, to be sold off

Estonia’s state-owned national airline, Nordica, will cease operations, ERR reports. Climate Minister Kristen Michal said that the government would allocate EUR 14.5mn to Tallinn Airport to ensure competitive fees and secure important routes. Another option is for the government to begin procuring direct flights to key destinations. The Ministry of Climate has contacted seven potential…

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Estonia: State forest felling quota unchanged at 9,180 hectares in 2024

Estonia’s Ministry of Climate has confirmed the felling quota for the state forest management centre, Riigimetsa Majandamise Keskus (RMK), in 2024, ERR reports. Under the decision, the felling quota will remain unchanged at 9,180 hectares. The quota only relates to RMK’s forest land, which represents around 1% of Estonia’s total forest area. A little less…

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Estonia: Ministry proposes ending universal electricity contracts automatically

Estonia’s Ministry of Climate has proposed ending universal electricity service contracts automatically, ERR reports. Under the proposal, customers with universal service would be switched automatically to state-owned energy group Eesti Energia’s general service if the average market price of electricity remains below the universal service price for three consecutive months. Eesti Energia’s general service would…

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Estonia: Climate Ministry updates national energy, climate plan

Estonia’s Ministry of Climate has drawn up an updated national energy and climate plan that includes more ambitious renewable energy and climate neutrality targets, ERR reports. Under the plan, Estonia would produce all power from renewable energy sources by 2030 and be completely climate neutral by 2050. Climate Minister Kristen Michal asserted that the plan…

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