Latvia: OSCE PA declares Russia state sponsor of terrorism at Latvia’s request

Following Latvia’s initiative, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE PA) has declared Russia a state sponsor of terrorism, Baltic News Network reports. Also, the declaration sharply condemns Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and urges OSCE member states to support the creation of a special tribunal to investigate…

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Latvia: Latvian MP urges OSCE members to designate Wagner as terror group

The chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Latvian parliament, the Saeima, Rihards Kols (National Alliance), urged member states of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) to designate the Russian private military company, Wagner Group, as a terrorist organisation, LSM reports. Speaking at the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly meeting in Vancouver, Canada,…

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