Estonia: Parties received over EUR 5mn from private donors in 2023

Estonian political parties received more than EUR 4.9mn in private donations in 2023, according to data from the Political Parties Financing Surveillance Committee (ERJK), ERR reported. The total does not include donations made to the Conservative People’s Party of Estonia (EKRE) in the fourth quarter of 2023, however. The opposition Fatherland (Isamaa) party received altogether…

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Estonia: PM Kallas claims opposition donor worked against government

Estonia’s Prime Minister, Kaja Kallas, suggested that local businessman Parvel Pruunsild, majority owner of Bigbank, made major donations to opposition parties in order to break up the first coalition government that Kallas headed, ERR reports. In response, Pruunsild’s lawyer sent a letter to Kallas, demanding that she retract her statement and issue an apology. Kallas…

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Estonia: Estonian Centre Party embroiled in internal power struggle

The Estonian Centre Party (Keskerakond) has a rift in its leadership, party chairman Jüri Ratas stated, BNS reports. Earlier, the party’s governing board voted to return a donation of EUR 300,000 from local businessman Parvel Pruunsild. Ratas had insisted that the donation would have helped the party finance its operations. However, the party’s deputy chairman,…

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