Latvia: Consumer prices up 0.7% on year in August 2024: statistics

Consumer prices in Latvia rose by 0.7% in August 2024, compared to the same period of 2023, according to the Central Statistical Bureau’s (CSP) data, LETA reports. Compared to July 2024, consumer prices fell by 0.5%, however. Prices of food and non-alcoholic beverages increased by 3.5%, alcoholic beverages and tobacco by 7%, clothing and footwear…

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Latvia: Electricity production up 27% in 2023: statistics

Latvia’s electricity production totalled 6,388 GWh in 2023, which was 27.0% more than in 2022, according to data from the Central Statistical Bureau (CSP), LSM reports. Renewable energy sources accounted for 4,963 GWh of total electricity production, which was 1,146 GWh (30.0%) more than a year earlier. Hydro power plants generated 3,794 GWh of electricity (up…

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Latvia: Industrial production up 1.4% on year in July 2024: statistics

Latvia’s industrial production rose by 1.4% on year in July 2024, according to the Central Statistical Bureau’s (CSP) calendar-adjusted data at constant prices, LSM reports. Output in manufacturing declined by 6.4%, while output in mining and quarrying increased by 6.1% and in electricity and gas supply by 66.0% over a year. Compared to June 2024,…

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