Estonia: Finance Minister rejects breaking up Eesti Energia

Breaking up Estonia’s state-owned energy group, Eesti Energia, would not improve energy security, Finance Minister Jürgen Ligi stated, ERR reports. Speaking in an interview with Vikerraadio, Ligi insisted that Eesti Energia provided an essential service for society. He said that building a new gas power plant in Narva was a “good idea,” but stressed the…

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Estonia: Government to support Eesti Energia to offset electricity price hike

The Estonian government may allocate EUR 100mn to state-owned energy company Eesti Energia to speed up the construction of a new gas power plant in Narva, ERR reports. Also, the government is discussing the possible differentiation of renewable energy fees for companies and reducing network tariffs or changing electricity taxes for private consumers. The moves…

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Estonia: Government plans to split Eesti Energia into three companies

The Estonian government plans to split the state-owned energy group, Eesti Energia, into three separate companies, Finance Minister Mart Võrklaev announced, ERR reports. He said that the plan was to list shares of network operator Elektrilevi and renewable energy producer Enefit Green on the stock exchange. However, Võrklaev said that he was no longer in…

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Estonia: Ministry proposes ending universal electricity contracts automatically

Estonia’s Ministry of Climate has proposed ending universal electricity service contracts automatically, ERR reports. Under the proposal, customers with universal service would be switched automatically to state-owned energy group Eesti Energia’s general service if the average market price of electricity remains below the universal service price for three consecutive months. Eesti Energia’s general service would…

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Estonia: Environment Ministry takes over management of 12 state enterprises

The Estonian government has transferred 12 state-owned enterprises under the management of the new Ministry of Environment, ERR reports. The companies were previously managed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications. The Ministry of Environment will manage Eesti Raudtee, Elering, Elron, Nordic Aviation Group (Nordica), Operail, Port of Tallinn, Rail Baltic Estonia, Saarte Liinid,…

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