Estonia: Fatherland remains most popular party in August 2024: poll

Estonia’s opposition conservative Fatherland (Isamaa) party remained the country’s most popular political party in August 2024, according to the latest Norstat poll for the Institute for Societal Research (YI), ERR reports. Isamaa’s support among voters now stands at 27.6%, followed by the ruling Estonian Reform Party with 19.4% and its coalition partner, the Social Democratic…

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Baltic: Lithuanians strongest supporters of Ukraine: Eurobarometer

Lithuanians are the biggest supporters of Ukraine in the Baltic States, according to a Eurobarometer poll, BNS reports. As many as 95% of Lithuanians agree with providing humanitarian support to people affected by the war in Ukraine, compared with 91% in Latvia and 89% in Estonia. Another 93% of Lithuanians, 87% of Latvians, and 77%…

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Baltic: Estonia best, Latvia worst on corruption index in 2023

Estonia ranked best and Latvia worst in the Baltic States on Transparency International’s latest Corruption Perceptions Index, LSM reported. Estonia ranked 12th out of 180 countries worldwide in 2023, which was up from 14th place in 2022. Lithuania ranked 34th (33rd) and Latvia 36th (39th). Estonia scored 76 points on the index in 2023, which…

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