BALTIC WEEK: Drone trouble, school begins, new party chairs

This is the first ever edition of Baltic Week, our curated free newsletter of top news items from the three Baltic States over the past week (or so). Please note that this new feature will be quite experimental for now, and that this first edition will probably be much longer than subsequent editions. You can subscribe to the weekly newsletter on Mailbrew or on a RSS feed reader of your choice. We are grateful for any feedback on this new feature or our news service in general.



Baltic: Ministers criticise US strategy on Ukraine war

Baltic ministers criticised the US strategy on the war in Ukraine at the GLOBSEC 2024 Forum in Prague. The defence minister of Estonia stressed the need for strategic clarity, while the foreign minister of Lithuania warned that there could never be sustainable peace with an undefeated Russia.

Baltic: Ministers urge more EU funds for transport infrastructure

Baltic transport ministers called for increased EU funding for strategic transport infrastructure projects. The ministers insisted on the need for sufficient funding for cross-border transport, energy, and electronic communications projects.

Baltic: Albanian president does Baltic tour

President Bajram Begaj of Albania embarked on a tour of the three Baltic States. During his visit, Begaj discussed the role of “third actors” in the Euro-Atlantic integration of the Western Balkans.

Baltic: Number of foreign hotel guests still below pre-pandemic level

The number of nights spent by foreign visitors in the three Baltic capitals was highest in Tallinn in H1/2024. Compared to 2019, the number of foreign guests has declined by 12% in Tallinn, 22% in Vilnius, and 35% in Riga.

Baltic: Air quality best in Tallinn, worst in Riga: study

Air quality in the capital cities of the three Baltic States is best in Tallinn and worst in Riga, according to the European Environment Agency. Tallinn ranked 9th out of 372 cities in Europe in terms of air quality, followed by Vilnius on 24th and Riga on 121st place.

Baltic: Average wage rose fastest in Lithuania in 2023: study

The average monthly wage in the Baltic States rose the fastest in Lithuania in 2023, according to Figure Baltic Advisory’s study. The average wage rose by 8.8% in Lithuania, 8.2% in Latvia, and 7.3% in Estonia over a year.



Estonia: Average wage over EUR 2,000 in Q2/2024: statistics

The average gross monthly wage in Estonia amounted to EUR 2,007 in Q2/2024, which was up 7.2% from the same period of 2023, Statistics Estonia reports. Estonia’s median wage stood at EUR 1,641.

Estonia: Job vacancies down 11% on year in Q2/2024: statistics

The number of job vacancies listed in Estonia totalled 9,908 in Q2/2024, which was 11% less than a year earlier, Statistics Estonia reports. The number of vacancies was highest in education (1,742), public administration (1,415), and manufacturing (1,209).

Estonia: Unemployment rate 7.6% in Q2/2024: statistics

The unemployment rate in Estonia stood at 7.6% in Q2/2024, Statistics Estonia reports. The number of unemployed dropped by 1,100 people over a quarter but rose by 7,600 over a year.

Estonia: Electricity, heat production down in 2023: statistics

Power plants in Estonia produced 5,686 GWh of electricity in 2023, which was 37% less than in 2022, Statistics Estonia reported. Power plants produced 4,323 GWh of heat energy, which was down 15% on year.

Estonia: EstLink 2 power cable resumes operations after repairs

The EstLink 2 undersea power cable between Estonia and Finland resumed operations after repairs on 4 September 2024. The electricity interconnection was shut down due to a fault in late January 2024.

Estonia: Defence spending may rise to 5% of GDP: minister

Estonia may need to raise its defence spending to 5% of GDP to implement NATO defence plans, Defence Minister Hanno Pevkur stated. The money needed would amount to EUR 250-300mn per year over the next 20 years, he estimated.

Estonia: Finance Minister rejects raising defence budget to 5% of GDP

Raising the defence budget of Estonia to 5% of GDP was not possible, Finance Minister Jürgen Ligi stated. He argued that such a hike in defence spending would not happen in peacetime.

Estonia: Armed forces insist on EUR 1.6bn for new ammunition

The Estonian Defence Forces warned that war would ravage Estonia if the government failed to purchase additional ammunition as requested. Earlier, Defence Minister Hanno Pevkur said that the government would only provide EUR 800mn for new ammunition.

Estonia: Estonia, Finland back lifting arms restrictions on Ukraine

The foreign ministers of Estonia and Finland, Margus Tsahkna and Elina Valtonen, called for allowing Ukraine to attack military targets inside Russia using Western weapons. They were speaking at a joint press conference in Helsinki.

Estonia: Hungary siding with Russia in Ukraine war: Foreign Minister

Hungary is siding with Russia in the war against Ukraine, Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna of Estonia suggested. He said that Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán had begun “fighting for the opposing team.”

Estonia: Mongolia failed to help end Ukraine war: Foreign Minister

Estonia was “very disappointed” that Mongolia welcomed Russian President Vladimir Putin instead of arresting him, Estonian Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna said. Mongolia had an “historic chance” to contribute to ending Russia’s war in Ukraine but they decided to pass on it, Tsahkna noted.

Estonia: Russia may have jammed US reconnaissance drone

Russia may have used GPS jamming against a US reconnaissance drone in Estonian airspace. The Estonian Defence Ministry confirmed that the US Air Force drone had experienced communication problems. The UAV landed undamaged, however.

Estonia: Russia conducting cyberattacks in Estonia since 2020

Russia’s military intelligence (GRU) has been conducting cyberattacks against Estonia since 2020, the Estonian Internal Security Service (KAPO) reports. An investigation identified three GRU officers suspected of involvement in the attacks. The US has offered a USD 10mn reward for information leading to their capture.

Estonia: Russia stole thousands of documents from ministries

Russia’s military intelligence (GRU) stole thousands of confidential documents from ministries in Estonia in November 2020. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications lost 360 GB of data in the hack.

Estonia: Reform elects PM Kristen Michal as new party chair

The Estonian Reform Party has elected PM Kristen Michal as its new chairman. He replaced ex-PM Kaja Kallas, who criticised the tax decisions of Michal’s government, saying that they contradicted the party’s principles.

Estonia: Estonia 200 elects Kristina Kallas as new chairperson

Estonia’s liberal Estonia 200 (E200) party, junior partner in the current coalition government, has elected Education Minister Kristina Kallas as its new chairperson, replacing Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna. E200’s poll rating stands at below the 5% parliamentary threshold.

Estonia: China pays costs of visiting Estonian MPs

A group of six MPs from Estonia payed a ten-day visit to China, with costs paid for by Beijing. Estonian Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna said that the visit “looks very bad,” pointing out that there was “no such thing as a free lunch.”

Estonia: Government to cut various welfare benefits as of 2026

The government in Estonia will cut various welfare benefits, including parental and sickness benefits, as of 2026. The government said that the aim of the changes was to ensure that welfare benefits did not become unaffordable for the state.

Estonia: Schools begin transition to education in Estonian

Schools in Estonia have begun transitioning to education in Estonian. The transition will proceed gradually, and full transition is due to be completed by 2030. Estonia has had a parallel Russian education system for 30 years.

Estonia: No money to raise teacher wages in 2025: minister

The government in Estonia does not have the money to raise wages for teachers in 2025, Education Minister Kristina Kallas stated. The Estonian Educational Personnel Union has demanded that basic teacher salaries start at the level of the national average wage.



Latvia: Russian drone crashes in eastern Latvia

A Russian military drone crashed in Latvia’s eastern Rezekne municipality on 7 September 2024, the Ministry of Defence announced. The unmanned aerial vehicle flew from neighbouring Belarus.

Latvia: Schools receive over 200 bomb threats in Russian

Schools in Latvia received over 200 bomb threats in Russian at the start of the new school year on 2 September 2024. Armands Ruks, chief of the State Police, said that the incident was a “hybrid attack” from another country.

Latvia: Electricity production up 27% in 2023: statistics

Electricity production in Latvia totalled 6,388 GWh in 2023, which was up 27% from 2022, the Central Statistical Bureau reported. Renewable energy sources accounted for 4,963 GWh of total electricity production, which was 30% more than a year earlier.

Latvia: Low-income families to be compensated for energy price spikes

The Latvian government will begin paying compensation to low-income households for rapid rises in energy prices. The support mechanism will apply to exceptional price increases for electricity, heating, and biomass fuels.

Latvia: Government to raise minimum wage, change tax rates

The government of Latvia plans to raise the country’s minimum wage in 2025, Finance Minister Arvils Aseradens announced. Also, the government plans to raise the tax-free income threshold and introduce two fixed rates of personal income tax.

Latvia: Government may impose surplus tax on banks in 2025

The government in Latvia may impose a new surplus profit tax on banks as of 2025, Economy Minister Viktors Valainis announced. The tax could be levied for two years to encourage banks to increase their lending.

Latvia: Hospitals run EUR 20mn budget deficit in H1/2024

Hospitals in Latvia ran a budget deficit of EUR 20mn in H1/2024, the Latvian Hospital Association reported. Several regional hospitals already used a large part of their state-funded annual quota for medical services in Q1/2024.

Latvia: Government to privatise airBaltic “sooner or later”: PM

The Latvian government will have to privatise national airline airBaltic “sooner or later,” PM Evika Silina said. Transport Minister Kaspars Briskens said that negotiations were ongoing with a potential strategic investor on buying a minority stake in airBaltic before a planned IPO.

Latvia: airBaltic may have to postpone IPO until H1/2025: CEO

Latvia’s national air carrier, airBaltic, may have to delay its planned IPO until H1/2025 amid investor worries about the aviation industry’s profitability, CEO Martin Gauss stated. The company plans to raise EUR 300mn through the IPO currently planned for later in 2024.

Latvia: President, PM criticise Transport Minister’s communication

President Edgars Rinkevics of Latvia criticised Transport Minister Kaspars Briskens for his communication on national air carrier airBaltic and the Rail Baltica railway project. Briskens insisted that he had no intention to resign.

Latvia: Transport Ministry proposes plan for railway line to Riga airport

The Transport Ministry of Latvia has proposed building a standard-gauge railway line from Riga Central Station to Riga Airport. The project would cost around EUR 524mn, most of which would come from EU funds for other infrastructure projects.

Latvia: Rail Baltica costs need to be reduced: EC Vice-President

The government in Latvia should seek to reduce the costs of the Rail Baltica railway project, the European Commission’s Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis stated. He pointed out that not everything could be financed with EU funds.

Latvia: Port cargo turnover down 11% in H1/2024: statistics

The cargo turnover of ports in Latvia totalled 17.9mn tonnes in H1/2024, which was 11.4% less than a year earlier, the Central Statistical Bureau reports. The volume of outgoing freight amounted to 13.5mn tonnes (up 2.3%) and incoming freight to 4.4mn tonnes (down 37.3%).

Latvia: Road freight up, rail, sea freight down in H1/2024: statistics

The volume of freight carried by road increased in Latvia, while the volume of rail, sea, and air freight decreased in H1/2024, the Central Statistical Bureau reported. Road freight rose by 2.8%, while rail freight dropped by 23.3% on year. Latvian ports handled 11.4% less cargo.

Latvia: Passenger numbers up on land, air transport in H1/2024

The number of passengers using land and air transport increased in Latvia, while the number of ferry passengers declined in H1/2024, the Central Statistical Bureau reports. The number of passengers on land transport rose by 1.6% and on air transport by 3.7% on year.

Latvia: 11,000 soldiers take part in national defence exercise

The Latvian National Armed Forces held a comprehensive national defence exercise, Namejs 2024, throughout Latvia from 3 September to 8 October 2024. Around 11,000 Latvian and allied soldiers took part in the exercise.



Lithuania: Parliament nominates Kubilius for EU commissioner

The Lithuanian parliament has approved the nomination of former PM, MEP Andrius Kubilius for EU commissioner. Kubilius said that Lithuania should seek portfolios related to defence, security, and EU enlargement in the new European Commission.

Lithuania: Permanent defence barriers set up on border with Russia

Lithuania is deploying permanent counter-mobility measures on the border with Russia’s Kaliningrad (Königsberg) region. Defence Minister Laurynas Kasciunas said that the defensive barriers were a signal to Russia and means to protect areas that could be vulnerable.

Lithuania: Schools in Vilnius receive bomb threats in Russian

Schools in the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius, received multiple bomb threats in Russian at the start of the new school year on 2 September 2024. Hundreds of bomb threats in Russian were sent to schools across Latvia as well.

Lithuania: President calls for tighter immigration policy

President Gitanas Nauseda of Lithuania called for a tighter policy on immigration. He argued that the number of immigrants had reached a “critically high level” relative to Lithuania’s total population.

Lithuania: Vandalism attacks target Belarusian community in Vilnius

Police in Lithuania have recorded several acts of vandalism targeting Belarusians living in Vilnius recently. Belarusian opposition leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya suggested that the attacks were the work of the Belarusian and Russian regimes.

Lithuania: Belarusian officials named suspects in Ryanair hijack

Prosecutors in Poland have named three Belarusian nationals suspects in the hijacking of a Ryanair flight, which was en route to Vilnius, in May 2021. The three suspects held high-ranking positions in Belarusian state security and air navigation.

Lithuania: Lithuanian, Polish presidents urge deeper defence ties

The presidents of Lithuania and Poland, Gitanas Nauseda and Andrzej Duda, have signed a joint declaration on deepening bilateral defence ties. During their meeting in Warsaw, the two presidents also discussed the possibility of intercepting Russian missiles in Ukrainian airspace.

Lithuania: President urges defence spending of at least 3.5% of GDP

Lithuania should spend at least 3.5% of GDP on defence each year, President Gitanas Nauseda stated. He said that military spending should be increased “year after year.”

Lithuania: Economy Minister rejects new taxes for defence

Lithuania’s Economy Minister, Ausrine Armonaite, rejected the idea of introducing new taxes to fund increased defence spending. She insisted that additional money for defence should come from borrowed funds or through economic growth instead.

Lithuania: Agreement on German brigade deployment set to be signed

Lithuania will sign an agreement with Germany on the stationing of a German brigade in the country on 13 September 2024, Lithuanian Defence Minister Laurynas Kasciunas announced. Germany will deploy up to 5,000 troops in Lithuania by 2027.

Lithuania: Parcels in Germany arson attack sent from Lithuania: DHL

Lithuanian courier company DHL Lietuva has confirmed that packages that caused fires at warehouses in Germany in July 2024 were sent from Lithuania. One person has been arrested in connection with the case.

Lithuania: 15 party lists, 1,740 candidates to run for parliament

The Central Electoral Commission of Lithuania has completed registration for the parliamentary elections in October 2024. Altogether 1,740 candidates will run for 141 seats in the parliament.

Lithuania: Homeland Union chair urges to block radicals from power

The chairman of the ruling Homeland Union party in Lithuania, Gabrielius Landsbergis, called on President Gitanas Nauseda to set up a “cordon sanitaire” to prevent radicals from coming to power after the upcoming parliamentary elections. He pointed to the new far-right opposition party, Dawn of Nemunas.

Lithuania: Labour Party leader suspected of fraud

The European Public Prosecutor’s Office suspects former Lithuanian MEP Viktor Uspaskich of hiring fake assistants to misappropriate over EUR 500,000 from the European Parliament. Uspaskich is founder and leader of the opposition Labour Party of Lithuania.

Lithuania: Turkish bid to join BRICS “undermines trust”: Foreign Minister

Türkiye’s application to join the BRICS group undermines trust in the country, Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis of Lithuania stated. Earlier, Bloomberg reported that Türkiye applied to join BRICS some months ago amid frustration over its bid to join the EU.

Lithuania: Foreign Minister slams Mongolia for Putin visit

Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis of Lithuania criticised Mongolia for the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to the country. Mongolia’s refusal to arrest Putin despite the ICC’s arrest warrant was “another crack in the system based on international law,” Landsbergis stated.

Lithuania: Israeli president’s visit postponed amid Mideast tensions

President Isaac Herzog of Israel has postponed his planned visit to Lithuania amid further tensions in the Middle East. The last Israeli president to visit Lithuania was Shimon Peres in 2013.


Baltic Week is a curated free newsletter of top news from the Baltic States over the past week. You can subscribe to the weekly newsletter on Mailbrew or on your RSS feed reader. The full news and more are available on our website. We welcome any feedback.

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